Experience Game Hero Playing Quests

Experiencing the Heroic Quest by Playing the Game

Everyday life is experienced as a heroic quest and played as a game.

Lawrence G. Boldt
Zen and the Art of Making a Living
Game Playing

We Are Playing a Game

Welcome to the human race.
We are playing a game.
And we are playing by the following rules.
We want to tell you what the rules are
so that you know your way around.
And when you’ve understood what rules we’re playing by when you get older,
you may be able to invent better ones.

Alan Watts
Game Playing Treasure

Discovering a New Game That Embodies New Values

The point is not to play the same old game, whether we’re buying into it or rebelling against it. Either way, you’re still letting the other person define the terms and set the rules

(which will not be in your favor).

The point is to keep your eye to the horizon, your ear to the ground, and channel the resources around you and the people on your side to discover a new game that embodies new values.

To claim — and to share, to spread, to enable, to inspire — the power to do that.

Justine Musk
Darling It Is Time To Be Powerful