Hero Quests

The Quest for the Center

Our culture made a virtue of living only as extroverts. We discouraged the inner journey, the quest for a center. So we lost our center and have to find it again.

Anaïs Nin
Experience Game Hero Playing Quests

Experiencing the Heroic Quest by Playing the Game

Everyday life is experienced as a heroic quest and played as a game.

Lawrence G. Boldt
Zen and the Art of Making a Living
Quests World

A Quest of a Becoming a Special Person on a Journey

Such an understanding will also make it clear that finding a guide for your journey isn’t a question of finding a special person. It is a question of becoming a special person: a traveller, a pilgrim, a person on a journey. When you have done that, the whole world turns out to be full of guides.

William Bridges
JobShift: How To Prosper In A Workplace Without Jobs

A Question Begins a Quest

All knowing begins with a question. And a question begins with a “quest” (to state the obvious), as does life.

Beau Lotto
Deviate: The Science of Seeing Differently


A Leadership Quest Towards Our Highest Future Potential

Given this backdrop, I have used the phrase “leadership quest” deliberately. I believe leaders and each one of us have to “undertake a journey toward actualizing our highest future potential” in the service of a thrivable and regenerative world. And this quest will see an unfolding of pioneering and regenerative leadership principles and ethos necessary to build a life-sustaining society…. It is a quest, a journey of human evolution, a collective awakening of consciousness that is already taking place across the world in many shapes and forms.

Sahana Chattopadhyay
Leading in Uncertain Times: Leadership as a Quest