
Navigating life with the Hero’s Journey.

“Although information overload is frequently discussed in the media—which help cause it—our dilemma is not that we receive too much information. We don’t receive anywhere near the quantity of data it takes to overload our neurons; our minds are capable of processing and analyzing many gigabits of data per second—a lot more data than any of today’s supercomputers can process and act on in real time. We feel flooded because we’re getting information unfiltered, unsorted, and unframed. We lack ways to select what’s important. The design task is to make information digestible, not to keep it out.”

John Thackara, In The Bubble

Trying to contain and package the complexity of vertical development within the narrative mechanics of MMORPGs, rather than typically within a story.

Narratives and metaphors can be a powerful way to package and communicate complex information in a way that’s more accessible and engaging for people.

They help to provide a structure and context that makes it easier for people to absorb and understand the information, and they also create a sense of immersion and engagement that can make the learning process more fun and enjoyable.


Basically personal development geared for gamers.