
I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m just trying to play along.

Bernardo Kastrup is right that nature and the universe are trying to work through you, it has a purpose for you, and it doesn’t really care about what you want. It’s trying to teach you a lesson so you can fulfill your purpose. Ignore it at your peril.

I’ve realized throughout my life that we often misinterpret the meaning of life and what the human experience is supposed to be which lead us to encountering more and more paradoxes as we grow and develop. This in turn helps us to overcome these misinterpretations.

I realized that Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey was an allegory trying to express the deeper psychological experience of transformation.

Joseph Campbell was trying to teach us that myths are fictional stories that relay truths about life. If you took them literally, you were missing the point of them, their deeper meaning. In the same way, if you’re literally interpreting that I’m believing life is a roleplaying game, you’re missing the point of this adventure and its deeper meaning.